Innehållsförteckning Photoshopmanual
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Innehållsförteckning Photoshop
Chapter 5: Image and color basics
- Resize images............ . 209
- Image essentials........... . . 211
- Image size and resolution.......... . . 214
- Acquire images from cameras and scanners........ . . 220
- Create, open, and import images.......... 222
- Viewing images........... . . 226
- Color modes............ . . 231
- Match, replace, and mix colors........... 234
- Distort filters are unavailable........... . . 239
- Invalid JPEG Marker error | Opening images........ . . 239
- Image information............ . . 241
- High dynamic range images........... . . 245
- Customize indexed color tables.......... . . 252
- Customize color pickers and swatches.......... . 254
- Convert between color modes........... 256
- About color............. 261
- Color and monochrome adjustments using channels....... . . 263
- Erase parts of an image........... . 266
- Choose colors............ . 269
- Viewing multiple images.......... . . 275
- Blending modes........... . . 277
- Choose colors in the Color and Swatches panels......... . 281
- Add a conditional mode change to an action........ . 283
- Add swatches from HTML CSS and SVG.......... 283
Chapter 6: Layers
- Layer basics............. 284
- Nondestructive editing........... . 288
- Create and manage layers and groups.......... . 289
- Select, group, and link layers........... . . 291
- Mask layers............. . 293
- Layer opacity and blending.......... 298
- Move, stack, and lock layers.......... 301
- Layer comps............ . . 302
- Work with Smart Objects.......... . . 305
- Apply Smart Filters............ . . 311
- Align and distribute layers.......... . 314
- Combine multiple images into a group portrait......... . . 317
- Manage layers and groups.......... . 317
- Generate image assets from layers......... . . 320
- Layer effects and styles........... . 326
- Extract assets............ . . 335
- Mask layers with vector masks........... 337
- Combine images with Auto-Blend Layers......... . . 338
- Reveal layers with clipping masks.......... 339
- Load selections from a layer or layer mask's boundaries....... 341
- Knockout to reveal content from other layers........ . 341
- Edit layer masks........... . . 343
- Layers 101............. . 343
Chapter 7: Selecting
- Make quick selections........... . . 344
- Make selections........... . . 346
- Select with the marquee tools........... 347
- Select with the lasso tools.......... . 348
- Select a color range in an image.......... . 351
- Adjust pixel selections........... . . 353
- Extract an object from its background.......... . . 359
- Select the image areas in focus.......... . . 361
- Save selections and alpha channel masks......... . 365
- Move, copy, and delete selected pixels.......... . 368
- Duplicate, split, and merge channels......... 373
- Create a temporary quick mask.......... . . 375
- Convert between paths and selection borders......... . . 377
- Channel calculations............ 378
- Channel basics............ 380
- Refine a selection........... . 383
- Selecting areas of a photo.......... . 383
Chapter 8: Image adjustments
- Perspective Warp........... . 384
- Reduce camera shake blurring........... 392
- Healing brush examples........... 398
- Export color lookup tables.......... . 426
- Adjust image sharpness and blur.......... 427
- Understand color adjustments........... 433
- Convert a color image to black and white......... . 439
- View histograms and pixel values.......... 440
- Target images for press........... . 446
- Make quick tonal adjustments........... 448
- Apply a Brightness/Contrast adjustment......... . . 452
- Adjust color and tone with Levels and Curves eyedroppers....... . . 453
- Adjust HDR exposure and toning.......... 454
- Levels adjustment........... 455
- Adjust image color and tone........... . . 458
- Adjustment and fill layers.......... . . 459
- Apply special color effects to images......... 463
- Apply the Color Balance adjustment......... 465
- Curves adjustment............ . . 466
- Adjust hue and saturation.......... . 470
- Adjust shadow and highlight detail......... . 473
- Auto color corrections........... . . 475
- Using adjustment layers........... 475
- Dodge or burn image areas.......... 476