The film ideas list

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Version från den 13 november 2016 kl. 12.04 av Steven (diskussion | bidrag)
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Subject Focus on Problem or solution
Composting We have a system for the garden in my building. Usable?
Showers Hardware/maintenance Buying/ Using
Faucets Hardware/maintenance Using (turning off)
Insulation Windows hardware Buying / installing
Light bulbs Hardware (Dimmers, different types of bulbs) Buying/ UseingMyths (on off)
Recycling Electronics
Toner Recycling Refills
Appliances Ratings- buying new Buying /Using
Water cooker Instead of teakettle?
Solar panels Prices, availability, installation Problems as well as solutions
Passive solar Plants, proper use of shades and windows Use
Electricity- Source Time of day use
Computer charging Leaving on by mistke,
Telephone charging Leaving on by mistake, best to wait til it’s dead or not? Using
TV and other appliances Turning off sleep mode vs. fully off
Wearing clothing in winter Saving on heating
Lawn watering Times, methods, materials
Avoiding wasting food
Dish washing (Efficient loading) (soaps)
Soap products Chemical problems, make people aware (something recent about Yes?)
Automobiles Tires (studs, fuel economy)
Batteries One time, rechargeable, choosing/using/recycling