Save the Planet

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Ett case i kurserna Teknik 1 och Engelska 5.


Climate change due to global heating is the most important challege for mankind.

  • Slides from a speach by pär Holmberg at TiS, CETIS 2017 to be inserted here.



To produce a video instructing viewers how to go about doing something to benefit the environment. In most cases, this will involve some kind of step by step process. It is easy to feel like environmental problems are so big that we as individuals have little or no impact. Our aim here is to help people see that they can make a difference in ways that are easy to understand and not too difficult to carry out.


  1. Choose a partner and a topic
  2. Gather information and material you will need for your video
  3. Write a manuscript
  4. Record the video. In school or outside

Video should contain:

  • Introduction: tell who you are
  • Problem presentation: What are many people doing wrong?
  • Solution to problem: How can we do it better?
  • Technical explanation.
  • Clear statement of what we gain, for the planet and financially as well
  • Mention of our Youtube channel

Grading criteria



  • Förmåga att instruerar, berättar, sammanfattar, förklarar, och kommenterar, även i mer formella sammanhang
  • Manuscript (grammar, vocabulary)
  • Presentation technique- signposting, clarity,


  • F2: Förmåga att analysera och värdera tekniska lösningar med hänsyn tagen till ett hållbart samhälle.
  • F9: Förmåga att kommunicera inom det tekniska området samt kommunicera om teknik.

Typical HowTo videos

  • Examples
  • Language

If you listen carefully to the kind of language "How To" videos use, four things stand out:

  1. They speak to "you", the viewer, as an individual and not to people in general.
  2. They use a lot of commands. These are simple and direct: "Turn off your light", "Check your battery".
  3. Some videos use sequence signals such as "first", "next" and "after that" to help the viewer follow along.
  4. Some videos use conditionals, "if" constructions. "If you turn off your light, you will save energy and money."

Choose subject

Choose from the film ideas list or make your own.

Write a few sentences in the Save the Planet project list (TE16A) to describe your project. Add your names and class below.

The list for TE16B


  • Wikipedia, Youtube, etc
  • Friends and older students
  • Physics textbooks

Milestone: OK to continue

Saving energy



  • Story boards

You don't have to be a great artist, but in addition to dialog, your manuscript must show what you plan to put on screen and what you want to have on your sound track. You can do this by drawing pictures or by explaining in text.

Here is a link to a Swedish site about Storyboards:
Download the storyboard template.

Milestone: OK to continue

Film Production


  • filming
  • ScreenCast-O-Matic
  • cutting
  • graphs, infographics, models, etc
  • Special effects

Free music

Use only pictures and music that is free of copyright, i.e creative commons.




Publish on our Youtube channel.

Watch all other films.

Feedback to each other